Academic studies have long tried to help us understand the influence of employee satisfaction, positivity, fun, creativity, and other influences on employee performance. Today, it’s employee engagement.
Years developing theories and conducting research has resulted in more than a few models of employee engagement. We aren’t going to debate the pros and cons of these various models. Instead, we will simply present our model based on decades of practical experience studying and building high engagement workplaces.
Our model is centered on what we have found to be most essential in the employee experience for engagement to occur. These elements combine to enable employees to become intrinsically driven and personally committed to overarching team and business unit goals and experience a compelling need to do their best to ensure team and unit success. With that in mind, we have discovered the following six keys that consistently ensure high levels of employee engagement. We labelled them creatively as The Six Cs.
The Six Cs of Employee Engagement:
In our experience, leaders who master application of these six keys are able to transform the perspectives, motivations, and behaviors of employees who become intrinsically motivated to achieve great things. Such leaders don’t succeed by manipulating people, but by creating a workplace that enables these changes to occur, naturally. Industry leading organizations know this and value these capabilities as essential leadership attributes.
Kevin Herring is co-author of Practical Guide for Internal Consultants, and President of Ascent Management Consulting. Kevin can be contacted at
Ascent Management Consulting is found at and specializes in performance turnarounds, leadership coaching, and appraisal-less performance management.
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Oro Valley, AZ 85704
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Phone: 520-742-7300
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